The girls have been very busy shopping. Today, they explored the "Passage Jouffrey," (next door to Paris' wax museum (Musee Grevin).

The covered "passages" are the predecessors of the modern shopping mall. Very popular at the turn of the last century, they were veritable bazars, each one with its own personality and specificity. There are not many left, however this one houses two stores specializing in miniatures: Pain d'Epices and Boîte à Joujoux--the latter is where we found the shopping bags.

You can easily make your own using a scanner and any shopping bags from your local stores. The important thing is to shrink all logos and designs to size then print them out allowing enough space to cut out the rest of the bag. The dimensions in my diagram were taken from the "Chanel" bag, though you can make yours slightly larger. The handle is made using embroidery yarn.

The other items featured today includes the dolls' berets. This is quite simple. Cut 2 circles of the same size out of felt and stitch together. Cut a small circle out of one (no larger than 1/2 inch diameter). Then gently stretch the hole to fit the doll's head. Turn inside out. Press. I've added a tiny ribbon and bow on one.
And finally, tiny coin purses make wonderful handbags for the doll. The one in the arms of "Sissilie" was found at an exotic store called "Tcha Tcha" situated in the same covered passage.

By the way...Sissilie is sitting on a real Louis Vuitton trunk. This one is made of corrugated cardboard and was offered as gifts to the press to mark the opening of their store on Avenue Montaigne back in 1989. This store was later moved to a newer space on the Champs Élysées.
As you can see, the girls have laid claim to my perfume collection.... Alas!!!!

Next stop: Marché St. Pierre for fabrics and trims!!!!
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